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Can you sea?
Ankara, 2019 | Italian Embassy and Guler Sanat Gallery
The series was developed over a 3 weeks residency in Turkey, organised by Guler Sanat gallery in collaboration with the Italian Embassy on the occasion of the 2019 Vivere all'Italiana programme. It includes an artist-wallpaper (giving the series its title), posters, collages and a sculpture reflecting on the political situation in Turkey, the conflictual relation with the European Union and the centrality of the Mediterranean Sea.
Turkey, Install view (reduced).jpeg
Can you sea?

Variable dimensions

Designed, self-adhesive wallpaper


Presenting an apparently abstract pattern, the work actually depicts the repeated image of the Mediterranean Sea, questioning the ways we think, represent and visualise the geographical, social and political space.

Can you see the sea? (detail), Wallpaper
Ballot Box (Intercepted), 2109.jpeg
Ballot box (intercepted)

35 x 25 x 10 cm

Found ballot box packed with professional shipping material


In 2018, Erdogan had been re-elected under uncertain circumstances.

Affiches red.jpg
Affiches (intercepted)

35 x 25 x 10 cm

Collage and oil on newspaper, with found wooden supports 


Titled respectively Erdogan After Allen Jones / National Flag / Let me, let me these collages appropriate the rough appeal of urban advertising and propaganda posters to reflect on the way President Erdogan is usually depicted.

tentativo final ankara.jpg

Each: 61 x 45 cm

Marker and oil on newsprint 


The set of 6 posters playfully addresses the different outline that same political and geographical borders may acquire according to different languages and cultures. 

Turkey, Install view 2 copy.jpg
Can you see the sea?, 2019.jpg
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